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Memorable Writings of
Anwar Shaikh






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Table of Contents

Fear And Favour
Urge of Dominance
Middle Eastern Mythology

Horrors of Fundamentalism

The Creative Principle
Mind and Matter
Life After Death

Free Will



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The way to eternity is much easier than the merchants of holiness will have us believe. There are no dragons to be slain to achieve this goal nor are there any rivers of fire to be crossed over for this purpose. These tales have been invented by the gods and gurus to give themselves supernatural prestige for forcing ordinary folks to cry and crawl before them for salvation.

Salvation does not mean securing a palace in paradise which abounds in beautiful women and boys and thus resembles the seraglios which were private brothels of the mundane rulers. Salvation means becoming a part of Godhead which is the mode of existence based on bliss, immune from fear of death and want of favour; it is the state of the glory of individual souls which receive their divine immortality through mutual harmony which is the virtue of being singular in diversity. In fact, this principle of unity in multeity is the rule of existence at all stages: myriads of drops join to create a pool, countless scintillas combine to make a flame and billions of cells unite to bring about a human. Perfection of the aggregate, in each case, depends upon the harmony of its constituents.

Though this harmony is the basis of physical entity of every human, it does not exist between person and person as is the case between atom and atom or cell and cell. This lack of harmony is mainly attributable to the voracious attitudes of messengers and messiahs who deprive ordinary man and woman from the dignity of participating in Godhead with the sole purpose of establishing themselves as God through various ruses. They attain this goal by dividing mankind in deadly sects who hate fellow-beings in the guise of love and duty, and by destroying their power of understanding for subjecting them to the kind of fundamentalism which forces its followers to live at the level of animals through ignorance, bigotry and superstition. This disunity based on mutual contempt is the exact antithesis of harmony, and the major cause of human sorrows. Man is endowed with consciousness and thus possesses the ability to live in harmony which is so essential for developing his latent virtues to make him God-like even in this life.

Man's responsibility

Whereas other things are guided and developed by the laws of nature, man is responsible for steering his own ship because he is blessed not only with consciousness but also free will. Attaining Godhead is the purpose of human life. If he deliberately opposes the purpose, he is naturally leaping towards self-annihilation and not eternity. The person who walks on his head instead of feet, must know the consequences.

Harmony is the motivating force of the universe. It is the antithesis of inertia, inactivity and insensitivity because it refers to the rhythm of active actions performed by countless parts of the universe in unison: sound of marching soldiers or dancing of a bevy of girls to the tune, are some examples of this fact. The continuous recurrence of stresses emanates from the congruous spirit of individuals and not that of a forcefully welded whole.

The marvels of the universe do not necessarily give us a clear vision of its working; they usually make it more mysterious and we tend to draw convenient onclusions from it.

Cosmic dance

Despite all this confusion, science has unlocked many secrets of nature to make life lively, lovely and lucid. Take a crystal, for instance. It is a solid of indefinitely extended framework of atoms and ions which are arranged in rows, columns and planes to give them regular geometric patterns. These solid pieces look stationary but in fact, they are in a perpetual state of dancing: for forces between neighbouring atoms cause them to vibrate in unison and as a result set up a series of waves which criss-cross throughout the crystal. This harmonious vibration gives the universe the appearance of a doll eternally enjoying the delight of an atomic or cosmic dance. Man is a natural partner in the cosmic dance; unless he participates in it with total volition, he cannot experience the divine ecstacy. And this participation is not confined to one's fellow-beings; its boundaries extend to include the natural environment; he must learn to appreciate the music of waves, chirping birds and rustling winds, and also the sweet, serene majesty of hills, forests and silvery streams.

This atomic or cosmic dance is performed in association with a heavenly tune creating the cries-crossing waves. Because of the perpetual motion, everything in the last analysis, is a wave. Matter, the building material of the universe, has been referred to as "frozen light" but because of its mysterious nature, light is considered as both quanta (particles) and wave. Light, as wave consists of transverse vibrations, very much like the vibrations of a violin string. An electromagnetic wave is also a transverse wave like the sound wave which can be set up by plucking a guitar string.

Like the plucking of a violin string, everything sings as it vibrates; both a tinkling bell and a squeaking door try to create music but what raises the rank of a noise to music is its vibrational frequency. From the lips of a trumpet player to an organist, sun and galaxy - everything is a musical instrument hilariously producing music. What a physicist calls a sound wave is, in fact, a music wave especially when it contains periodicity i.e. a regular pattern in the rise and fall of oscillations. A sound wave is a mathematical entity because its audibility is inversely proportional to the square of its distance.

A sound is likely to be a cacophany, a grating noise, if it is without the virtue of harmony or periodicity. An instrument ranks as a musical instrument only when it produces periodic vibrations which are termed as tones. A tone is the Opposite of noise because the former pleases but the latter displeases. Another peculiarity of tone is that it contains features such as controlled pitch, loudness, timbre and duration, which enable it to become autonomous.

Natural way of life

From the above narrative, it is clear that everything as it moves, is engaged in a dance, and as it dances it vibrates at a set frequency or periodicity, producing music.

Thus everything dances to its own music which is the natural way of life. Therefore, the universe is not miscreant and malevolent but merry and mirthful. It is marching towards its goal of loftiness through harmony of singing and dancing. In fact, this cosmic dance is the model for man to follow: man's survival lies in harmony, that is, complete social accord. Unless a religion tolerates dissidence and promotes love of mankind, it is the ambassador of discord, and has no place in the human society; it is simply the work of the devil.

Universe produces harmony through the force of natural law but man can't achieve this goal by laws alone because he is endowed with free will which is a mechanism of free choice. His conduct, therefore, must primarily be guided by his moral force. It does not mean that man can be completely free from the jurisdiction of law. Yet free will is the key to harmony.

What is free will? I shall discuss this in the next chapter.


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