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Anwar Shaikh






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Fear And Favour
Urge of Dominance
Middle Eastern Mythology

Horrors of Fundamentalism

The Creative Principle
Mind and Matter
Life After Death

Free Will



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Revelation plays a major role in projecting man as God. It shows how Middle Eastern myths have been cleverly transformed into elements of the Semitic religions by their founders.

True Purpose of Revelation

What is revelation? It is a process of exploiting man's instinctive fear of the supernatural with a view to establishing one's self as God. In plain language, it means that man is afraid of the unknown and believes that there is a deity behind every force of nature. Thus he worships gods out of fear, hoping that they will bestow favours upon him. Men, infused with high dominance-urge, love to be adored and seek to replace the mythological figures of gods with their own images through the process known as revelation. This device needs in-depth investigation and I shall extend the scope of scrutiny to the Semitic religions, i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Mechanism of Revelation

According to these religions, revelation means that God chooses a good person as his spokesman, who is charged with the duty of conveying the divine message to people irrespective of their reactions and consequences to himself. Such a person, in theory, is God's servant who has no personal axe to grind in the matter. He is called a "prophet" or "messenger" and God may communicate with him directly "as friend to friend", through Gabriel, ecstasies, dreams, visions or auditions. No matter what medium of communication God may choose, the fundamental purpose is to establish the absolute sovereignty of God and remind man that the sole purpose of his existence is to humble himself before Him through worship.

Some of the revelatory relationships are exhibited in varying degrees, by the Jewish covenants with their patriarchs, rabbinic Judaism which came into being during the Babylonian Exile, Christian belief in the person of Jesus as God's own Son and the ministry of his apostles, and intercessory powers of Muhammad as the "last" messenger of God.

Mission of Messiah

Closely connected with prophethood is the concept of Messiah who comes to restore the faith revealed through prophets. He appears when the world is in a turmoil owing to the trickery and tyranny of the infidels, and believers are made to live under conditions of injustice, poverty and servitude. His mission is to reverse the process by assuring descent of the infidels and ascent of the believers. The Jews and Christians dream of the coming of the Messiah and Moslems are awaiting the appearance of the Mahdi or Imam.

When we look into the device of revelation it becomes evident that it is a stratagem of the dominant who desire to command mankind even from their graves and passionately want to be adored and worshipped. If the reader is prepared to examine the following statements sincerely and fairly, he/she may have no problem in grasping this conclusion:

Case against revelation

1. God proclaims His laws to establish His own sovereignty and wants man to obey them to the letter. If man obeys, he goes to Heaven, otherwise, Hell awaits him with open arms.

a. If God wanted absolute submission and the purpose of man's creation was to worship Him, He would have created man according to similar laws that govern the operation of the natural phenomena.

b. Man's existence is based on Free Will, the freedom to choose and act. After creating man on this principle, if God still wants him to adopt robotic behaviour, then God surely does not know what He is doing, and thus does not deserve to be called God.

Irrelevance of Divine Law

c. God's laws which are eternal and inflexible, seek to glorify Him instead of solving man's problems. To be able to serve mankind, law must belong to the present and not to the past. It is for this reason that every country has a legislative assembly to enact, suspend or repeal laws to suit national needs.

It is madness to ignore modern attitudes and insist on obeying the laws which represent ethos of the past generations going back centuries. Obedience to such laws is simply the introduction of slavery. In fact, they are no longer practicable because when they are introduced, it is done by the force of false interpretations which contradict the original laws. This hypocrisy is exercised to maintain the sanctity of the divine law because it is the source of dignity, power and wealth to the members of the priestly classes.

Hell and Heaven versus Free Will

d. Frightening man with Hell and bribing him with Heaven, is a cheap trick which goes against the grain of Godhead; it is an exact antithesis of free will.

God versus Man

2. Since the purpose of revelation is to glorify God, it is an instrument to harass, humiliate and hypnotise man, and not to elevate him by allowing him to steer his own destiny.

a. It is obvious that revelation is necessary for God but not for man whose interest is opposed to that of God.

b. Revelation is thought necessary to defeat or destroy evil.

If God is the creator, then He is also the creator of evil. Is it not hypocritical of God to warn man of evil after creating it? Again, there is no evidence that divine laws, prophets or messiahs, have ever vanquished evil. In fact, each messenger and messiah, by demanding exclusive submission to himself and denying other gods and gurus has created further divisions in mankind and thus promoted the cause of evil through hatred and wars.

Again, is it not crazy that God creates all sorts of irresistible temptations which mislead man and then wants him to avoid them? Isn't he playing a vicious game?

Prophet, an irrelevance

3. If the purpose of revelation is to defeat evil, the person of the medium, i.e. the prophet or messenger, becomes quite irrelevant. Why?

a. Evil is always here. Its suppression demands that God must live amongst people permanently in a visible manner so that they can see Him and seek His advice directly. Again, His presence is bound to be far more inspiring and decisive to conquer the evil.

b. Once people can see and contact the Supernatural Being, they are far more likely to follow Him than the evil. On the contrary, the medium, i.e. the prophet or messenger, is human: he eats, drinks, answers the call of nature, walks, talks, sleeps, feels happy and sad, needs sex, falls ill, requires medication and so on. If despite all these facts, he claims to be divine, then this claim is dubious by its nature, to say the least. There is no proof that what he says is inspired or commanded by God. If people don't believe him, it is God's fault because He chose the suspicious and inferior method of revealing Himself. He must reveal Himself directly, if revelation has anything to do with Him at all.

Revelation, the Source of Mischief

4. The more prophets and messengers God sends, the greater discord He causes amongst people through divisions, sectarian hatred and the bid for disciples. Thus revelation ceases to be the divine guidance, and becomes the source of mischief.

a. It is even worse when a prophet declares that he is the last one and no more prophets will follow him. If he is needed for the eradication of evil, which is always here, then there is surely need for prophets all the time. Thus he belittles his own purpose.

b. However, the more important aspect of the "last prophethood" is that as time moves on, the teachings of the prophets are subjected to interpretations to elicit the meanings that are not there. It is done for several reasons: firstly, the written doctrine or the scripture is not capable of providing guidance for all occasions and times. Secondly, religion is not only the biggest business on earth but also the greatest source of power. Therefore, fundamentalists, especially the religious leaders, resort to all sorts of holy tricks to keep their faith alive.

Finally, there are individuals in every religion who are as keen to gain godly stature as were their founders but lack the courage and ability to set up their own divine shops. Therefore, they drum up the reverence of the founders out of proportion to give him divine status and project themselves as his deputies or viceroys. Thus they establish a similar relationship with their founder as the founder is supposed to have with God.

Now, it is easy to see that revelation does not serve its declared purpose because it matters not whether there are few prophets or many. Neither it makes any difference whether the sacred teachings are written or oral. Over a period of time, the words of the scripture may remain exactly the same but their spirit and meanings are grossly distorted, thus rendering it unfit to guide.

Revelation the source of misguidance

5. Each revealed religion claims to be the only true faith and calls other religions false. Out of ten such religions only one may be true. Since nine are false, the tenth must also be false.

How can a revealed religion provide guidance, when it is not possible to choose the true one? It is surely the source of misguidance.

Revelation and Prophecy

6. Revelation is closely connected with prophecy which is a form of divination. It is amazing how diviners and fortune- tellers have always appeased their clients through skillful presentation and double-edged tongue since inception of time. It is a vice but made to look a virtue by the play of words versed in the art of deception and duplicity which tempt the seekers to find in them what is not there.

a. Miracles are also an integral part of prophecy. These are the fairy tales which are forged by the followers for giving godly status to the founders of their religion to raise their own prestige.

Miracles can neither be performed nor can they have any relevance to the quality of the message or the doctrine. Look at the modern illusionists who call themselves magicians. How wonderful and incredible their performances are! Yet their marvellous acts form no part of piety, but demonstrate a skill in trickery.

b. One should also remember that prophecy is injurious to the concepts of morality and piety. If it is possible to tell the future events, say 1000 years, beforehand, then everything is determined, and there is no need for people to struggle for piety or listen to revelation.

True purpose of Revelation

7. The true purpose of revelation ought to be the elevation of man. But this is not the case because it promotes the cause of God who seeks to subdue man through threats of torture and temptations of treats. The God who desires self - promotion at the expense of human dignity is neither beneficent nor creator, nor all-powerful.

a. Maybe it is not God who resorts to such devices. It is more likely the person of the revelationist, i.e. the prophet who seeks self-adoration. Why? Because God seems to be his prisoner who is obliged to address people through him. Since God cannot be seen or contacted, and He is nothing more than what the prophet presents Him to be, it is the word of the prophet that becomes all-important and all powerful. It is not suprising that in all "revealed" religions, believers show more respect to the prophet than to God.

By choosing a man to be His prophet, God invites him to participate in Godhead because the person of the prophet becomes indistinguishable from the person of God. This certainly demolishes the concept of monotheism.

Bigotry and Revelation

8. The revelationist must address the whole of mankind and show concern for everyone. But this is not the case: the Jewish God, despite claiming to be the creator of mankind, is infatuated with the Jews only; the Christian God is determined to bless the believer and blight disbelievers and the Islamic God hates the infidels.

Revelation versus progress

9. Revelation is the recipe not only for bigotry, barbarity and sectarian hatred, but also for regression, primitiveness and superstition. This fact emerges clearly when we consider the attitudes of the religious authorities towards scientists and inventors. The treatment of Galileo is an example in point, and brilliant men, like Newton and Einstein who did not believe in the logical conclusions of their own deliberations and discoveries, explain the superstitious effects of revelation. The modern progress which vouches for the eminence of man, came into being as a revolt against revelation.

a. Again, revelation is not the least concerned with the welfare of mankind. Has God ever revealed the cure for Smallpox, Cancer or AIDS? It is man himself who has to find the ways for his survival. He is capable of discovering the path of eternity as surely as he promotes his secular longevity.

Revelation and ignorance of human problems

10. Revelation, to be genuine, must concentrate on the main human problems such as:

a. Slavery, and

b. parity of the sexes.

Quite to the contrary, the Christian Church sanctioned slavery as the Will of God. Neither Moses nor Muhammad abolished it. Worse still, these revealed religions subjugated woman to the iron will of man.

Revelation is the tool of viceroyalty, that is, though the revelationist seeks divinity for himself, he claims to be the servant or lieutenant of God who is the Supreme Being. Since all Semitic religions are founded on the concept of a Creator God, one is inclined to speculate if the existence of such a deity is possible. The more one thinks about this postulate the less convincing it becomes. Why?


Creator God is not a possibility

1. It is irrational to think of a Creator God in the beginning of the universe because God is considered to be perfect in skill, power and wisdom but we know that everything comes into being on the principle of "simple to complex", "elementary to elaborate" and "imperfect to perfect".

a. The idea of perfection automatically raises another issue: the perfect God must have been created by yet another Creator who is even superior to the Creator God.

b. Reason cannot admit the existence of a Creator God; such an admission can be made only on the grounds of faith which is not a guide but a shield. The function of a guide is to lead out of a dilemma, provide release and vision whereas a shield is protection against immediate injury but at the expense of a genuine solution and opens the door to eventual despair, derision and devastation.

Composition and Godhead

2. Any system or being is composed of individual parts. God is a being and, therefore, must have constituent parts. These parts must have existed before He assumed His final shape. He could not have existed as perfect right from the beginning nor could He have been the Creator because He Himself needed composition.

a. In this respect, one should remember that all Semitic religions speak of a physical God: Jews had seen Yahwe who conversed with Moses like a friend; Jesus was the God incarnate, and Allah, the Islamic God, sits on the throne and is carried by angels. A physical God is surely a composition like all other physical entities.

Universal law versus Creator God

3. The physical study of the universe shows its subjection to the fundamental laws and not to the will or caprice of a Creator.

Creator God and incompetence

4. The Creator God is responsible for all the doom and destruction, despair and disease, gloom and grievance, treason and trickery, mutilation and murder, theft and thuggery, rape and racism. All these vices must originate from his design and constitute the proof of His incompetence and imperfection.

Creator God and purpose

5. If there is a Creator God, then the creation must have a purpose. It is not possible to assess the divine purpose with certainty:

a. Some say that it is the union of man with God. No two distinct entities can be merged together. Merger is possible only if they both are of the same essence. If this were the case, they would be one and the same thing, and thus could not have separated in the first place. Therefore creation could not have materialised.

b. Some say that God has created man to worship Him: the obedient shall be offered the pleasures of paradise, but the disobedient shall roast in the inferno.

Far from being divine, such a God does not qualify even for the merits of ordinary humans. This system of reward and punishment is unjust and arbitrary because it is He who made people what they are.

However, this cannot be the purpose of creation because man is endowed with free will which is the power to choose or refuse, and thus implies an inherent contradiction in the concept of creation.

c. The purpose that the universe may have is tantamount to the divine desire which must take precedence over everything else. Much as the priests would have liked us believe in the compassion, wisdom and caring nature of God, He turns out to be extremely selfish and self-centred because His ultimate aim is the fulfillment of His own desire and not the welfare of man.

Creator God versus perfection

6. All Semitic religions ascribe such attributes to God which are of human origin; He is subject to spasms of dole and delight, feels murderous and merciful, condemns the foe and commends the friend, indulges in love and hatred and expresses the nice and nasty sides of His disposition.

The God that is an aggregate of opposite properties and is so easily excited, lacks the stability, composure and wisdom to rank as the Creator or the Perfect. He is nothing but a flight of the human imagination.

Creator God, the tool of revelationists

7. Unless God is the tool of dominance for the revelationist, He cannot confine His disclosure to the agency of a particular person who is subject to all human frailties. He must reveal Himself to everyone individually and openly if the purpose of revelation is the good of mankind and not the revelationist.

Creator God is not Almighty

8. To be the Creator, God has to be Almighty. Can He kill himself? Can He do without this universe? Obviously, He cannot because if He could, He wouldn't have created the universe. If He did so unnecessarily, then all that this universe contains is futile and God loves to play a fool's game. No fool can ever be AllPowerful and All-Wise. This world is too wonderful to be within His creative ability.

Creation as compulsion

9. If this cosmos is a creation, then creating is God's greatest passion and thus, creativity begins to rank as a compulsion which lacks will, wisdom and planning. It is like being used to narcotics which the addict must consume to survive.

God cannot be absolute

10. God is a being. Therefore, He is subject to the conditions of His environment, and cannot be absolute and all-powerful. If He is not a being, He does not exist because whatever exists must have a body of some kind, no matter how rare.

Having delved into the Semitic mythology, I shall examine in the next book the Semitic religions i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam for establishing the premises enunciated in Book One.

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