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Fear And Favour
Urge of Dominance
Middle Eastern Mythology

Horrors of Fundamentalism

The Creative Principle
Mind and Matter
Life After Death

Free Will



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Fundamentalism is the ultimate aim of revelation which seeks to brainwash people by excessively exploiting their instincts of fear and favour. A messenger or messiah is the person who loves to be worshipped, but worship is the lowest form of self-humiliation, and therefore, repugnant to the freedom-loving nature of mankind. A messenger (prophet) or messiah can achieve this goal only by making his follower a fundamentalist. This is the reason that one can confidently say that revelation is not the source of guidance but misguidance, and man is walking on the path which leads him to the opposite direction instead of the true destination.

Definition of Fundamentalism

What is Fundamentalism? It is the state of mind when man's moral splendour and rational excellence are completely eclipsed by the vehemence of faith and he begins to hate everything which challenges his religious values, no matter how absurd. Why? Because the elements of his personality which are likely to become unstable owing to stress of fear, are held together by the super glue of belief. Therefore, opposition to faith constitutes a threat to personality, which one is inclined to defend at all costs for survival. It is like going through a voluntary process of blindness and deafness with a view to avoiding reality. The purpose of faith is to provide protection against the inclemencies of reality, and not the reality itself: the dark glasses which shield eyes against the glare of the sun to facilitate its observation have a positive role to play in the life of the observer but the dark glasses which lead to permanent darkening of the observer's vision deprive him of discovering the truth. When faith assumes such a facinorous stature, it becomes the fetter which through its faltering effect, turns life into a regular series of futility. Fascinating though life may look through the bliss of ignorance, one must seek freedom from such a false faith because it is debilitating, degrading and destructive.

Raising false hopes is not an act of mirth and mercy but the fountain of mischief and misery. Revelation is the biggest hoax because its power of deliverance is based on the extremely stilted personality of a Messenger or Messiah who lives and dies like any other man, and is himself subject to the human mechanism of fear and factor Yet he claims to be divine against all criteria of rationality!

Brainwashing is an act of reducing man's rational faculty for inducing him to adopt a pattern of conduct which he will not display under normal circumstances. A fundamentalist or brainwashed person loses his will and becomes a puppet on a string. His entire intellectual and physical life is manipulated by the puppeteer who is usually a messiah or his lieutenant. He becomes a robot, quite happy to obey the most heinous commands of his operator with utmost pleasure. Let me give a few examples from the Crusades and modern history to show you that fundamentalism is a volcano of hatred; it is nothing but utter negation of moral conscience; in fact, it is the reversal of humanity: Jerusalem forms a good point of reference in this respect:

David and Ark

David, having conquered Jerusalem, proceeded to enhance its glamour which should tempt Yahwe, the warrior God of the Jews, to adore it as His bride. Yahwe's stern heart, used to toughness, felt immersed in a wave of tenderness when David moved the ark to this city. To make sure that the ark did not have to migrate from one sanctuary to another, he chose Mount Moriah or the Temple Mount for its permanent residence. Though there is no proof, Jews, under the dictates of their compelling faith, have always believed that this was the spot where Abraham had built the alter to murder his own son Isaac to gain the pleasure of Yahwe!

The Temple of Solomon

This is where Solomon, the son of David, built the (first) Temple in 957 B.C. The building faced eastward; it was oblong and comprised three rooms of equal width; one of them being the Holy of Holies which housed the ark and ranked as the most sacred spot on earth for being the point of the Divine Presence (Shekhina). Nobody could enter it except the highest priest and his privilege was confined to Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. It became the centre of Judaism and led the Jewish life with much greater power than a steering controls the movements of a motor car or heart regulates the blood supply.

Despite its spiritual beauty and religious splendour, Yahwe, the Bridegroom, never defended it against the horrors of sacrilege and destruction which it suffered several times. Each time the flames of desolation enveloped Jerusalem, rabbis the Jewish priests, whose living, prestige and authority depended upon the grip of faith, found a justification for Yahwe's desertion and blamed people's sins for the pillage, rape and murder of their loved ones. The Roman pagans had interpreted the destruction of Rome in similar terms. They declared that the City fell because the Romans had betrayed their gods to embrace Christianity! There is no end to the caprices of faith. People will do and say anything to hide themselves behind the shield of faith to escape the forceful arrow of reason.

Solomon and his beauties

The Temple was an extension of Solomon's palace which happened to be the abode of his seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines along with the statues of their foreign gods which Solomon is known to have worshipped for winning the tender favours of his exotic female beauties. Yet the Temple rose to the apex of reverence beyond the flight of fancy!

Jesus and the Temple

Jesus Christ is also said to have preached in the Temple. I find it difficult to believe that the Jews would have allowed him to use their holiest shrine for teaching the blasphemy which provoked them to secure his crucifixion. To the Christians Jerusalem had an equally fascinating appeal because Jesus was born in its suburbs (Bethlehem/Bethleheim); this is where he played as a boy and this is where he was nailed to the Cross "to wipe off human sins through Divine mercy and to give believers a chance of resurrection".

Islam and the Temple

The Moslems were equally imbued with the sanctity of Jerusalem. To woo the Jews, the Prophet Muhammad had appointed it as Kibla, the direction of worship, for his followers. The prophet's journey to heaven when he went to see Allah in person, had also taken him "to the Further ' Mosque, the precincts of which had been blessed by God".

This "Further Mosque" on whose precincts the Al-Aqsa Mosque of Islam was founded later did not exist at the time of the Prophet's journey and referred to the ruins of the Second Temple. It rose from the ashes of the original (first) Temple of Solomon which had suffered total devastation at least twice between 586 B.C. and 70 A.D. However, a portion of the Western Wall of the Second Temple had remained intact to display the miraculous powers of Yahwe - always eager to remind the Jews of their infidelity, idolatory and insincerity. When Yahwe subjected the Jews to a terrible opprobrium for breaking the Covenant, Allah approved of this attitude by encouraging his followers to heap further humiliation on the Jews by building the al-Aqsa Mosque in A.D. 691 on the site of the Jewish Temple. The glitter of the Dome of the Rock was to serve as an eternal sign of the Jewish depravity.

Start of Crusades

Though Jerusalem, the City of the Jews, rose to become the highest symbol of esteem in human history, the Jews themselves fell to the lowest point of contempt It is because the Christians thought of them as the murderers of their Lord and the Moslems believed that they had been condemned by Allah for not believing in the Prophet. This created a strange situation, that is, the love of the Christians and Moslems for Jerusalem grew inversely proportionate to their hatred for the Jews. Yet it is not the hatred for the Jews but the devotion to Jerusalem that erupted as the volcano of terror in 1095. The Christains wanted to dispossess the Moslems of Jerusalem by any means - might, misery or mischief. This was the beginning of the most unholy war which demonstrated the true nature of fundamentalism and lasted for two centuries until 1291.

Pope Urban II

The Council of Clermont was convoked by Pope Urban II on November 18 1095. The Holy Father, as a mark of his dedication to Christian ideal of love renewed the Truce of God which meant peace for mankind and love for neighbours but excluded the non-Christians from the Divine mercy. They might look human but did not qualify as such, and therefore, deserved extermination. In a speech brimming with the fire and thunder of explosive oratory, he moved members of the Council to tears with the profane stories of the Moslems who were habitually persecuting the Christian pilgrims to the Holy land. To raise an army of crusaders devoted to pious carnage, he used his heavenly authority and granted a plenary indulgence to all those who were prepared to travel to the East and undertake murder as mercy and dispense bane as beneficence.

Plenary indulgence

What was plenary indulgence? It was the papal licence to heaven. Officially, it meant remission of all penance for sins but the crusaders believed that a Christian bearing his Lord's Cross could do no wrong. The murder of the old and sick, decapitation of women and children, pillage of the innocent and rape of bellibones (including that of the Christian nuns), was a holy fun. With the privilege of entry into heaven, went the release from feudal bondage, usurious debts and taxman's excruciating demands. If they survived the horrors of long journey and perils of the battlefield, their lives which hitherto had been a series of misfortune and molestation were to be crowned with the rights and reverence reserved for a crusader and if they perished, their martyrdom guaranteed them a place in the Kingdom of Heaven whose streets were paved with gold and where beautiful virgins impatiently sighed to embrace them.

Urban's sermon

Tickling the racial pride of the French with the spiritual sceptre, Pope Urban II, himself a Frenchman, raised his deep voice choked with ecclesiastical grief and said "O race of Franks, the beloved and chosen people of God, hearken that an accursed race has polluted, plundered and possessed the Holy Sepulchre of our Lord . . . The Holy City of Jerusalem, the Centre of the earth, begs you to come and free her from the clutches of the unclean infidels".

As the oratorial tempest of Urban's address subsided, tempers of the believers rose with an unimaginable heat and their hearts fulminated with the cries of "Deusvolt" - God wills it. What a chance it was for the Christians to sail into paradise through the streams of Moslem blood. They all vowed to wear a cross to display the sanctity of their mission, and affection for the Saviour.

Love for the Saviour was equally matched with hatred for the Prophet Muhammad through a series of highly profane and perverse tales. One gossip said that when Muhammad suffered a fit of epilepsy and pretended to be in a trance, a hog devoured him alive as a divine punishment.

Moslem hatred of Non-Moslems

The Moslems, on the other hand, were equally impatient to cut the throats of the Christian infidels. Their ears rang with the Koranic message:

a. "O believers, do not treat your fathers and brothers as your friends, if they prefer unbelief to belief, whosoever of you takes them for friends, they are the evildoers" (Repentance: 20).

b. "Certainly God is an enemy to the unbelievers" (The Cow: 90).

c. "God has cursed the unbelievers, and prepared for them a blazing hell" (The Confederates: 60).

d. "Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends . . . for whoso does that belongs not to God ...." (The House of Imran: 25).

e. "O believers, do not make friends with Jews and Christians; . . whoso of you makes them his friend is one of them" (The Table: 55). Every revealed religion is a fountain of hatred; here the divine advocacy for loathing unbelievers is equalled by persuasion of friendship for the fellow-believers:

"The believers indeed are brothers;

so set things right between two brothers . . ." (Apartment: 10).

"Moslems are hard against

the unbelievers, merciful to one another" (Victory: 25).

Islamic Jehad

With these exhortations went the commands of Jehad, that is, a Moslem's duty to wage holy war and embrace death honourably in the battlefield. Islam guarantees that a martyr never dies; he enjoys immortality in the paradise where he is allotted seventy-two houris of musky bodies and several beautiful youths.

Religion and hatred

Both the Christians and Moslems though in theory praised the doctrine of love, in practice, were ready to demonstrate their universal hatred for humanity which the device of revelation promotes to adore God and deplore mankind. No butcher has ever been able to express half as great a skill in throat-cutting as did the admirers of revelation. For two whole centuries, these divine murderers tirelessly soaked the torrid sands of the Arabian desert with human blood which is more sacred than anything that exists in this world. Despite being the cause and centre of this iniquity, Jerusalem remained the Holy Land! Still more shameful is the fact that while the City of the Jews rose to become the object of reverence for the Christians and Moslems alike, the Jews themselves became the target of contempt for the believers of all shades. It shows how natural pride of the Christians and Moslems, which had been humbled by the innovative skill of the Jews through their mastery of revelation, had turned into an inferiority complex: they naturally sought the rejuvination of their repressed instincts through suppression of the Jews.

The Impatient Crusader

Urban had appointed the month of August 1096 as the time of departure. Like the lover who finds waiting the most tormenting moments which assume the longevity of months and years, the believers could not sit still until August and found it too long a suspense to bear. About 12,000 persons left France in March under the leadership of Peter the Hermit and Walter the Penniless. They were Soon joined by another 5,000 from Germany, and a crowd of similar strength from Rhineland under Count Emico of Leiningen, swelled their ranks still further. These bands, aflame with the love of Jerusalem, decided to practice the art of cruelty on the Jews of Germany and Bohemia and showed no respect to the appeals of the local clergy and Christians. Having run out of their meagre supplies, they laid claim not only on the wealth of the Jews but also their honour. Of course, they believed in Jesus but not in his celebacy. Was it wise not to indulge in the appetites of the flesh, having secured plenary indulgence from the Holy Father? However, they did not enjoy their divine rights of orgy for very long because they were cut down near Nicaea by a force of the Seljuq Turks, highly trained in archery This was the first division of the First Crusade.

By an irony of history, these crusaders were not being led by their kings because several monarchs such as Philip I of France, William II of England and Henry IV of Germany had been excommunicated by the Pope. The First Crusade was mainly a French adventure and its meritorious division was commanded by the nobility such as Duke Godfrey, Count Bohemund of Tarantu, Tancred of Hauteville and Raymond, Count of Toulouse.

Personal interests of Crusaders

When one looks at the events more closely, it transpires that the crusades had been engineered to satisfy the human greed for prestige, and not to enhance the glory of God. For example, some of these noble lords, as they crossed the Taurus, separated themselves from the main army to pursue their personal political interests: Raymond, Godfrey and Bohemund wandered into Armenia to make their private conquests and Baldwin (Godfrey's brother) founded the first Latin kingdom in the East during 1098.

Emperor Alexius Comnenus

It was originally Alexius Comnenus, the Byzantine emperor, who repeatedly asked the West for help against the Suljuq Turks who had extended the boundaries of their empire uncomfortably close to Constantinople. When eventually, his appeal was granted by Pope Urban 11, and he found the presence of a massive force of 4,000 mounted knights and 25,000 infantry near Constantinople, he employed his imperial skills gathered through the political blat and blare of seven centuries, and demanded of each crusade-leader to swear on the Bible that he would restore to the Empire any conquered territory which formerly belonged to it. Further, he required each of them to take the feudal oath of allegiance to him for holding any new land as an imperial fief. The glitter of gold and brilliance of diamonds, which Alexius generously distributed among these holy combatants, soon softened their tongues which uttered words of musical appeal to the imperial ears.

For the Pope, it was yet another link in the long chain of his efforts to augment the Holy Power without regard to the holiness of means which sought to secure it:

Donation to Constantine

History has recorded that the Holy See forged the document known as Donation of Constantine, a supposed grant by the Emperor Constantine, the Great, to

pope Sylvester 1(314-335). This document reined to give pope and his spiritual Successors supremacy over all other patriarchs in religious matters as well as dominion over Rome including the whole of the West. It was during the 12th Century that Popes started using it as an effective tool against the secular rulers to humble them. The scholars have established that this paper was forged between 750 and 800 A.D.

Shroud of fibrin

The Shroud of Turin which was supposed to contain the imprint of Christ, is a further illustration of this tendency to seek power deceitfully. It was believed to be true until 1989 when its falsity was established by forensic evidence.

No believer of any persuasion will put up with such forgeries as an ordinary human. It is amazing how these tricksters had degraded the intellectual capacity of their followers by the application of the revelatory magic. I do not know whether to commend or condemn them for this adroitness; after all a skill is a skill irrespective of its nature!


The Pope was not just a spiritual leader but also an earthly prince. The Donation of Pepin (745) actually gave him and his successors the princedom of central Italy which lasted until the 19th Century. It shows the imperial inclinations of the Holy Father. The preaching and sanctioning of the Crusades was a practical step to unite the East and West under the papal command for ruling the lives of all Christians from top to bottom. Destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem was a lame excuse because it had been restored to its formal state by the Moslems at their own expense. It had been damaged by Al-Hakim, the Fatmid Caliph of Egypt (996-1021) who was known to be mad and deluded with his own divinity. It is against the Islamic traditions to hurt Christian shrines, and no true Moslem would have ever done it.

The fate of the first division of the Crusaders had struck a big blow to the Christian morale. In May, 1098 the news that Karbogha, the Prince of Mosul, was approaching with a great army, frightened the Christians to such an extent that many of them boarded ships on the Orontes, preferring the modest living in the West to the magnificent life in the Kingdom of Heaven, saturated with splendour and gaiety. Even Alexius thought it fit to believe these deserters, and instead of joining the Crusaders, he turned back to the safety of Asia Minor.

Peter Bartholomew

At this juncture, a priest known as Peter Bartholomew produced an ingenious trick to buttress the sagging courage of his people. Stroking his beard in the most ecstatic manner, he thundered to assure his fellow-combatants that by a divine chance he had found the lance that pierced the side of the Lord Jesus. The psychological state of the crusaders underwent a similar change as the parched grass experiences after a heavy rain. Thinking of the Lance as a gift from the Lord, for doing to his tormentors what they had done to him, they became sure of victory. They praised the Lord, burst into singing sacred hymns, and danced frantically. This over-confident army of crusaders, intoxicated with the promise of success, was led to the battlefield under the Lance, carried aloft as the sacred standard. The Moslem warriors were put to flight by the Crusaders whose fighting zeal had touched its peak. They roared for vengeance, and the most loving God provided them with an opportunity on June 7, 1099 when they stood before the walls of Jerusa'em whose purity was about to display the putrid aspect of mankind.

Butchery at Jerusalem

As the sun dawned on 15th July, each of its golden rays became incandescent with the heat of hatred to expose the shameful reality of the Revelatory Message which the followers of different prophets had received from the Most Merciful Creator. Under the leadership of Godfrey and Tancred, their soldiers scaled walls of the Holy City successfully and then let hell loose to depict its horrors with the utmost sincerity of a believer. A lay priest known as Raymond of Agiles proudly recorded "the wonderful things that he had seen": he saw the heads of the saracens (Moslem Arabs) mown down like a lush crop; some were shot with arrows, others were forced to jump down from the lofty towers; many were tortured mercilessly for days and then heaped together and burnt alive. The streets were scattered with limbs such as heads, feet and hands and no matter how far one's horse galloped, the dead bodies appeared everywhere.

These ecstatic conditions as experienced by the Christian zealots were also described by their contemporaries: it turned out to be the favourite hobby to kill the subdued people by piercing their sides with lances to avenge the Lord; the frightened women were stabbed repeatedly as an expression of delight; the suckling babies were snatched from the breasts of their mothers and thrown over the walls as a mark of respect to the Babe in the Manger. As the murderous frenzy became more tense, the holy warriors developed the mania of carrying the infants by their legs and dashing their heads against large stones, pillars and walls. The number of Moslems who perished in this divine orgy of blood-spilling rose to 70,000 and this was in addition to those who died fighting.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The Jews who had developed the Holy City, and thus provided a fountain of piety to the believers, were not thanked for it. Instead, they were hunted throughout Jerusalem; their damsels were raped and tortured; their babies were torn apart alive; their wealth was plundered; and as a final gesture of thanksgiving to the Lord who, in His immense wisdom, had facilitated this miracle of mercy, the crusaders drove the surviving Jewish population into a synagogue which was too small to hold them. The worshippers of the Most Clement Lord heaped men, women and children on top of one another and set the building alight. To celebrate the jocund mystique of the occasion, they quite reverently marched into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre whose grotto had once housed the crucified Jesus. There they hugged and kissed one another; the sense of fulfillment brought tears to their eyes, and the gratitude to the Lord for this mighty accomplishment choked their voices with passion and puerility. Yet they sang Hallelujah in an ear-rending pitch

which drowned the Jewish supplications for mercy, and thus provided the Lord with an excuse that He could not hear the laments of the burning Children of Israel!

Yahwe's attitude towards Jerusalem

What happened to Yahwe, the Bridegroom of Jerusalem? He proved to be the vain lover who enjoys the burgeoning beauty of his bride but does not bother to defend her honour. His attitude towards the Chosen Race was based on the English maxim: "I told you so". That is, He had warned them that unless they stopped worshipping other gods, He would sanction their persecution. It is strange to see that the Jews, known for their toughness, have never been able to look up into the eyes of Yahwe, the living cause of their perpetual humiliation. One wonders why Yahwe, who pretends to be the Universal God, does not punish other nations for idolatory? Are Jews His only Children? Who "Created" the rest of mankind? If there is another God, then Yahwe cannot be the sole object of worship. If He is the only God, then He must treat all His Children equally. As He, obviously, does not, He is not great enough to be Divine.

The success of the first Crusade enabled the Christians to carve out the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem which under King Fulk, Count of Anjou (1131-43) extended to include most of Palestine and Syria though the Moslems still held Emesa, Aleppo and Damascus. The Christian zeal soon gave in to the urge of dominance which has always determined the attitudes of rulers; as the barons took over ownership of the conquered lands, they reduced the former owners, both Christian and Moslems, to the status of serfs and laid upon them far severer terms of feudal servitude than they had ever imagined. Man is the victim of faith. How easily he is manipulated by the forces of divinity to their own end, leaving him hoping for ever.

Islamic share of carnage

The tragedy of the Crusaders spans over two centuries and demonstrates the savagery of fundamentalism. I have said enough to expose the Christian aspect of this bloodiest saga of mankind. What about the Moslem side of it? The Moslems were at war with the Christians, and thus equally share the ignominy of shedding human blood arising from the bigotry of faith. I shall describe only one episode to illustrate this truth. After all this book does not solely concern the history of crusades.

The Second Crusade (114648) proved disastrous to the Christians. The Emperor Conrad 111 of Germany suffered such a big disaster at Dorylaeum that ninety per cent of his army was wiped out. The French fared even worse. King Louis VII proceeded to Antioch along with several nobles and ladies but he left his remaining army in Attalia. Now came the turn of the Moslems to please Allah: in 1148, they swooped down on the City like starving hawks, and the French soldiers who had left the shores of France in a prodigious spirit of victory behaved like doves struck by despair, dismay and despondence. The Moslem Qaris, i.e. Professional reciters of the Koran, chanted the scripture with eloquence, and in a tone of authority to assure their warriors that Allah had forbidden death to those who gave their lives for the cause of Islam; what is termed as death is just a transition from mortality to immortality; it is a transportation from the painful life of this earth to the eternity of Paradise where wide-eyed houris with swelling bosoms and fragrant bodies serve believers in the most exhilarating environment. As the recitation became louder and the mention of Allah's mercies increased in frequency, the Moslem swords flashed faster and felt more blood-thirsty. Nearly all the Frenchmen perished. Their women ended up in the harems and their children formed part of the Conquerors' possessions. Some 60,000 followers of Jesus met their Maker before their time, and the same fate befell the Christians of Tyre, Sidon, Haifa and Beirut.

Divine cover-up

Of all the addictions, fundamentalism i.e. the addiction to faith is the worst. The doleful news of the holy fiasco opened up tongues of the European sceptics They argued that wisdom and mercy of God who treated His most loving devotees with such utter contempt, was doubtful. St. Bernard, the real instigator of the Second Crusade, replied that man had no right to question the ways of the Almighty which are beyond human understanding. God cannot be blamed for the failure of the Crusade because it is a punishment for Christians' sins! Similarly, each time the Jews have faced a disaster, the rabbis have come up with similar logic based on evasion of the truth. They have never admitted that Yahwe is a myth. If they do, they will soon be out of priestly business which is so rewarding and prestigious. Therefore, they depict each calamity as a fulfilment of prophecies which they forged themselves to fool the believers.The fundamentalists, whether they be Christians, Jews or Moslems, submit to the authority of faith which is so totalitarian, tantalizing and tortuous. Fundamentalism has simply come to mean selling one's self into slavery along with one's conscience, self-respect and power of judgement.

Jewish attitude towards Germany

Fundamentalism is a greater source of mischief today than ever before. Take the modern Jewish attitude towards Germany. Despite their high-sounding philanthropic claims, Jewish people hardly know anything about forgiveness. It is not surprising that there is no mention of compassion in the Pentateuch. Instead, the emphasis is on revenge, the relic of the law of talion practiced by Hammurabi and his predecessors over three thousand years ago.

Law of Talion

In Jewish terms, the law of ration forbids forgiveness and lays down that if someone hurts your eye you must hurt his eye and if someone breaks your tooth, you must break his tooth (Ex. 21: 24-26).

It is difficult for a practicing Jew to be kind-hearted owing to his preference for inflicting injury as a means of seeking personal satisfaction. This tendency, which is carefully nursed by the divine law, is made more acute by the consciousness of racial superiority as a member of the "chosen" or ``exalted,, race. The Jewish

law is a colossus of command and perplexity. Nobody can prove or disprove anything from it. As a result, the word of the rabbi reigns supreme, and acts as the source of his authority and prestige.

Jewish Law

The written Law of Moses as found in the Pentateuch is inflated tremendously by the inclusion of the oral Law which has been handed down over centuries and expanded by each successive generation. The Pentateuch plus oral traditions came to be known as the Torah or Law. The written form of the oral Law is called Mishna. Then, there is Talmud which refers to commentaries and interpretative writings accumulated over a long period, ranking next to the Bible (The Old Testament) only. The sheer vastness of the Law, on the one hand, makes it the determining religious and social force, and on the other, its tendency to yield to a wilful interpretation renders it the vehicle of convenience. When enormity of law commands every movement of life, it begins to impinge upon free will. Being over-conscious of law, people pay it lip-reverence, and to restore their liberties, circumvent it to make their deeds look legal.

Concept of timeless justice

Since forgiveness is not encouraged by the Jewish law, seeking revenge has become an integral part of the Jewish culture. Let me explain this point with reference to the attitude of the British Jews towards the Germans, euphemistically, known as the "Nazi war criminals" but without looking as avengers. They demand retribution in the name of justice and claim that it has no relevance to passage of time: "Justice is timeless; if you have offended, it does have the right to call upon you".

Since Yahwe punishes the sins of fathers on their children generation after generation the concept of timeless justice is compatible with the Jewish attitude of retribution but is repulsive to lovers of justice. It is strictly time-bound because:

a. the length of time is a deciding factor in assessing the value of evidence which determines the quality of justice.

b. cultural spirit, that is, ways of thinking, feeling and acting are directly linked with time. What was fashionable a century ago, may be outmoded now. For example, women's psychology was different when they had no votes some six decades ago. Therefore, they were motivated by different considerations in the past compared to the present, and it goes without saying that the nature of motive affects the quality of behaviour and standard of justice.

Jewish wealth and influence

Using the immense power of their wealth and political influence, the Jews have mesmerised the governments of the West with their illogical concept of the 'timeless justice" and persuaded them to change and reshape their laws for trying the Nazi war criminals. It is insane to think that the rules of war-time emergency can be applied to the peace time normality because the difference between the two is the same as between an erupting volcano and striking a match for lighting a cigarette. If the purpose of such trials is really justice, then securing absolutely exact evidence is a must, but this is an impossibility after such a long time especially when most of the mitigating records are likely to have perished, and the witnesses become hysterical just by the mention of the word "Nazi or German".

Jewish persecution complex

Frankly, this is an exercise in mollifying the Jewish inferiority which has become an integral part of their persecution complex, starting with the Babylonian captivity. The Babylonian Talmud seeks to lighten the burden of Jewish humiliation with the promises of divine glory. In fact, the entire Jewish conduct of sorrow and servility over the last 2,500 years has been suffused with a dream of self-deception which emerges from their philosophy of racial superiority, and disdain of the Gentile. Thus they have flouted the reality, and lived in a world of make-believe where a sparrow assumes the manner of an eagle. As a result, there came into being a small section of the "Court Jews" who influenced the state policies through a mixture of bribe and flattery. The Christian monarchs, who loved the Lord Jesus dearly, were equally infatuated with the Jewish wealth. They protected the Jewish usurers against their own Christian subjects who usually had genuine complaints against them. The sighs and cries and moans and groans of the Christians were subdued by the jingling of gold pieces which the Jews poured into the bottomless pockets of the Christian rulers where their conscience lay. The Jewish ability to suppress the genuine grievances of the Gentile gave their inferiority-ridden ego a tremendous fillip of superiority. This psychological fact has now asserted itself in demanding prosecution of the German war criminals. The message is loud and clear: nobody can molest the Jews and go scotfree. But what about the Jewish molester? This is different because a Jewish molester ranks as divine, it is only the non-Jewish tormentor who qualifies as the devil. Am I perverting the course of justice? Not at all. It is the facts of history which lead me to this conclusion. See them for yourself:

Nazi and Judaism

Hitler was inspired by the Jewish principle of racial superiority as well as their practice of looking down upon other nations. This Austrian born leader of the National Socialist German Working Party (the Nazi) adopted the same mode of assertion as used by the Jewish prophets who claimed that they had been instructed by the Lord to say this and that. He declared that he was called upon by the Providence to lead his country against the Jews! Even his conduct was modelled on the Biblical account of the Jewish behaviour in relation to the Philistines. What I am about to say is an example of the Jewish historical conduct referred to at the end of the sixth chapter (Judaism):

God promised the Jews that He would give them a land flowing with milk and honey. This land turned out to be Canaan i.e. Palestine. How did God enable them to Possess it?

Simply through a determined policy of genocide and pillage. Let me paraphrase the relevant perts of the Old Testament which you can check yourself:

a. When you come near a Canaanite city for the purpose of possessing it, declare peace. If they surrender, they become Jewish tributaries and slaves (Deut. 20: 10-11).

b. However, if they exercise their right to defend honour and liberty and refuse to be plundered, and do not submit themselves to servitude, then the Jews must strike them with the edge of their swords to murder every man, woman and child and shall not leave any live thing to breathe; this extermination had got to be total and complete because this was the command of the Jewish God (Deut. 20: 12-16).

c. This is exactly what the Jews did. They destroyed city after city, murdered every man, woman. child and baby; took over houses, cattle and lands of the vanquished (Deut. Ch. 3). This policy of deliberate extermination of all nationalities that dwelt in the Promised Land was carried out by Joshua even after the death of Moses. Jos. 10:28 gives a systematic account of this planned destruction city by city.

Was Jewish extermination by the Nazi any different from the well considered plan of extermination that the Jews carried out in Canaan?

Didn't Nazi like the Jews, try to conceal their crimes against humanity under the veneer of Providence and Divine Command? Was Jewish plunder of the Canaanites any different in purpose and methods from those of the Nazi? Both Joshua and Hitler committed similar acts but Joshua is considered a prophet of God, and Hitler is thought of as the Devil incarnate! Why? It is because Joshua was a Jew and Hitler was not.

Cycle of history

The Jewish inferiority pining to assert itself as superiority has been the bane of this fraternity; the suppression of Gentiles' liberties has always rebounded on them in the form of rape, murder, pillage and expulsion in every century, yet these chosen people have not shed one sincere tear of remorse for the dishonour of their virgins and decapitation of their babes. What a price to pay for racial ostentation! In fact, it has become a cycle of history: the Jews of the present generation by displaying their glory at the expense of the Gentile, sow the seeds of destruction for their next generation. Now, this phenomenon is taking its course in Britain.

Revenge, Revenge, Revenge

For the purpose of seeking revenge, the Jews have set up headquarters in Los Angeles charged with the duty of hunting Nazi war criminals. It means not only hounding the suspects but also persuading different countries to change their laws to facilitate trials. Common law countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia have already done so. Now, it is the turn of Great Britian where there are Supposed to be four men who may be successfully prosecuted as Nazi war mammals. One of them has died. A Jewish Nazi-hunter expressed his regret at the death of the suspect but it was not for the reason that a human being had died, but because there would now be one suspect less to be tried, thus reducing the amount of satisfaction that would have arisen from the trial of the whole lot. This shows the nature of the timeless justice! Again, it should be the function of each individual state to decide, of its own free will, whether or not to seek and try these alleged criminals. The active persuasion by the Jews turns the Whole episode into a charade, and also shows the enormous influence of the Jewery on the internal affairs of other countries. Since they have the power to change foreign laws, one can surmise what they can do to the individuals who do not suit their palate. This success which the Jews are enjoying today will form part of the cycle which I have previously mentioned. The new British generations will take notice of their fathers' follies to restore the balance of justice which will prove horrendous to the next generation of Jews. The reader does not have to believe me; he ought to look into the pages of history.

What is true law

Of course, laws are made and remade but law is law only when it contains a natural element. Having discussed this issue in "Taxation and Liberty" I shall not go into details of this point here but must add that the law is the ambassador of legality only when it acts as an effective restraint on dictatorship, that is, it forbids the executive, legislators and judges to use law as the tool of convenience. It must be beyond the manipulative desires and powers of the political magnates. When they can mould it to act as the medium of realising their particular designs and dogmas, the law loses its basic values of defending liberties and ensuring natural justice. The natural element which I have previously referred to concerns these basic values. Once these basic values are lost, the law becomes the source of legal dictatorship known as legalism.

Existing British law

This is exactly what is happening in Britain. Since these suspects were neither born in Britain nor did they commit the alleged atrocities as British nationals, the existing law does not permit their trial. Bowing to the Jewish pressure, the British parliament, which is the custodian of British honour, is about to dishonour the entire concept of British honour, based on fairplay. A fairplay is a fairplay only when it is free of bias but when the law itself is being modified to suit a particular purpose it is the proof of a fundamental bias because it shows that the end is being considered good enough for justifying the means. This is an act of high treason against the traditions of British fairplay whose virtue once echoed throughout the Empire. Those who are guilty of this monstrous act will have to stand trial at the bar of history to receive eternal condemnation which they so truly deserve.

Richard, The Lion Heart

If these men were really criminal, they would have committed crimes over the last forty years since they have been in this country. On the contrary, they have been law-abiding citizens of this land and thus deserve protection of the British

Law, and moral strength of this country. Assuming that they are guilty of the alleged offences, they did only what everyone else was doing at that time in the Eastern European countries; Jew-bashing had been made as fashionable during the Second World War as murdering a Moslem or a Jew was considered an act of piety during the Crusades. Has ever anyone reviled Richard, the Lion Heart for participating in the holy carnage?

Mitigating factors

If these men did act wrongly they were victims of the abnormal circumstances brought about by the local press which incited to murder the Jews, the local police which instead of protecting the Jews sought their extermination and the local regimes which rewarded Jew-bashing. How can you try such men who had lost the insight to act correctly? They can be judged only in accordance with the then prevailing conditions and laws in those countries. It is stupid and sinful to apply the same rules of conduct to mental patients as applicable to normal people. These suspects were themselves the victims of their local environment. Is there a person who is ever immune to the effect of his social surroundings?

Edward I and Jews

The concept of timeless-justice, is the most dangerous nonsense. What about Edward I? He expelled Jews from England and Gascony and thus subjected them to a great deal of agony. Shouldn't we punish him for Jew-bashing?

Since many a crime is committed in the name of law, there is an English precedent to sanctify such a profanity: Charles II dug up the bones of Oliver Cromwell and hanged them. Why doesn't the Parliament commit such a lunacy which the law permits to carry the concept of timeless-justice to its logical conclusion? In addition to pleasing the Jews, it will also appease the Scots who have always moaned about the harsh Edwardian attitude.

Retrosepctive legislation

This type of atrocity is nothing to the government which is prepared to indulge in passing retrospective legislation. What is retrospective legislation? It springs from the dark interior of mankind because the brute force of authority declares that a certain law existed in the past whereas, in fact, it did not exist, and nobody had ever heard of it. Passing this type of laws and placing them on the statute books was a speciality of the Nazi who mastered the art of murdering their Opponents legally! What an example for the British Parliament to follow!

Henry VII

Usually the retrospective legislation seeks to legalise illegality and all its attendant horrors In England, Henry VII used this device and had himself declared the King of this country one day earlier than his actual date of enthronement. Henry VII was a despot and could have beheaded anyone but that constituted "injustice and cruelty" which looked bad for his royal image. The purpose of this trick was to declare all his opponents as traitors who resisted his "lawful" authority, which he actually did not possess for being an invader with a very dubious claim to the throne of England. He wanted to punish all his antagonists legally. A crime committed in the name of law looks most beautiful despite being one of the ugliest things in reality. Who cares about reality? People usually fall for the appearance the more attractive a thing looks, the greater its appeal. This fact equally applies to the retrospective legalisation which the British government may pass to enable the Jews to wreak vengeance in the disguise of justice.

House of Lords

In "Taxation and Liberty", I had argued for the upgrading of the British House of Lords and suggested that its members should not be subjected to electioneering but appointed on merits, especially with regard to the services that they have rendered to the nation. There are plenty of such peers already in the House of Lords. They will probably defend the honourable traditions of this country by defeating such a bill. My admiration for this noble House has always been copious. Since it ranks as a great human institution for guiding the path of democracy and checking the pace of ravenous tax-gatherers, I hope that it will nip the evil in the bud.


The connotations of such a bill becoming the law do not seem to have been understood properly:

1. Firstly, propagating horrors of the Nazi camps has become a very regular Jewish affair and thus ranks as a business which strives to achieve certain rewards. In addition to making money out of misery, it seeks to denigrate the Germans habitually. This is an act of revenge to depict them as the most despicable race. It is totally unfair because Germans are a great people whose scientific, industrial, cultural and religious contributions to civilisation need no introduction. Is there a nation which has not been aggressive to its neighbours at some point in history? Why pick on the Germans with a religious zeal? I certainly do not condone the German atrocities but it equally baffles me that nobody has so far apportioned the blame attributable to the Jewish attitudes towards the Germans during the pre-war era. It does not seem proper to call Adolf Hitler "insane". The man who commanded the loyalty of his people and stood up to the whole world for several years, could not have been mad. His genius, though tinted with evil, deserves a better appraisal. His passion for supremacy was no greater than that of Alexander the Great or Napoleon Bonaparte.

Ban anti-German propaganda

The fact that the Germans have become ardent supporters of the European Community, shows that they have realised the evils of nationalism and want to be a part of mankind. Their participation also ranks as a proof of repentance Besides, they have paid for their follies and deserve a clean slate. Their partnership calls for genuine respect from all her European allies; continuous campaign of mistrust and assassination of the German character will eventually provoke the Germans and destabilise the European Community. It is high time that the Shoa business ("the holocaust industry") was banished and preaching of hateful

propaganda against the Germans made illegal throughout the European Community. Wisdom demands that the Jews must heed this warning. European dream of unity is becoming a reality. It is the Jews who will suffer for being an eastern race. Their future lies in the East, the land of Moses and David. I refrain from developing this theme because to me, every Jew is as human as anybody else and thus entitled to equal dignity and respect.

Nazi-type Jews

2. If the purpose of securing retrospective legislation is to seek justice against those who harmed the Jews, then it opens up a new avenue, far more macabre than the fertile imagination of a novelist can dream of: the Nazi were not the only Jew-bashers. History has recorded that there were some Jews who sent fellowJews to the horrors of the gas chambers. Some did it to protect the lives of their relatives and others were sordid enough to make a business out of it for financial rewards.

A murderer is a murderer whether he is one's brother or a stranger. What has the British government done to trace such Jews? Has the Israeli government done anything to prosecute them? They are probably being cared for in some Jewish sanatorium.

British Jews and Palestinians

3. Finally, it raises a point of far more fundamental importance, utterly repugnant to the Jews themselves. Justice means justice for all the aggrieved and not for one particular section. If the British government is so anxious to dispense justice that it wants to change the law for trying its citizens who were not born and bred here, then it must also be equally zealous to prosecute all those British citizens who were born and bred here and are guilty of harming others. I am, of course, referring to the British-born Jews in relation to the Palestinians. The British Jews bear a direct responsibility for the misery, molestation and murder of the Palestinians. Why? Because every Jew is considered a citizen of Israel. Secondly, donations of the British Jews must play a considerable role in keeping the Israeli state alive, and thirdly, there are plenty of British Jews who have their second homes and business interests in Israel.

Have the British Jews ever demonstrated against the Israeli attitudes towards the Palestinians? No. Not at all, yet they clamour for justice! It is strange that they cannot tolerate racial discrimination in the lands of their abode whereas their motherland, i.e. Israel, is founded on racism. All Palestinians are second-class citizens but all Jews in diaspora are more than first class citizens for holding exalted positions in the commercial, industrial and political life of other countries.

I can develop this theme far more effectively but I shall not do so because the purpose of this criticism is not Jew-bashing but pointing out the lethal effects of fundamentalism which relegate man to the status of a lower animal by reducing his vision and curbing his conscience

The modern Jews owe their social recovery to the broad-mindedness they showed in response to the Napoleonic investigation. They can be liberal without turning their backs on Judaism. The diplomacy of clenched fist has brought them nothing but misery. Their children and virgins are entitled to human dignity and respect This is high time that they opened their arms a little, instead of antagonising the Gentile. Until such time that they make forgiveness a part of their culture, history will keep repeating itself. There is no evidence that anti-Semitism has died down it has simply become dormant and is likely to raise its head when someone's interest persuades him to change the prevailing climate.

Islamic fundamentalism

Jews are not the only fundamentalists in the world. Fundamentalism, irrespective of its origins, is destructive. Whereas Jewish orthodoxy has been partially responsible for the preservation of Judaism, the Islamic fundamentalism has become a tool of dominance for the Moslem politician who deliberately corrupts the Islamic principles to advance his own cause but in the name of Islam. It has been quite easy for him to do so. Since there is no formal priesthood in Islam, the Moslem clergy could not gain an authoritive position in his own right like the Christian priest. Thus his secular weakness made him a puppet of the politician whose patronage depended upon how skilfully he interpreted the Koran to suit his master's purpose.

Mulla and Learning

The Moslem Mulla (priest) is a learned man but his erudition is lopsided because he hardly knows anything other than the Koran and Hadith; he is usually pious but poverty poses a problem to his probity and he feels obliged to prevaricate for providing the politicians with preferential and not precise interpretations of the Koran which should make the faithful believe that snow is as hot as fire and a sparrow is a higher flier than an eagle.

Koranic Law

To understand this fact, one must realise that the Koran is considered by Moslems as the last revelation of Allah, and its purpose is to guide man through an eternal code of law. Since the Koranic law is for ever, it obviously means that it is capable of providing legal guidance under all circumstances and for all ages. Such a law must be capable of interpretation without losing its essence. The mulla's submission to the will of politician has struck a big blow to the Koran as the eternal legal guide. It has been stressed by the Moslem scholars that once a principle has been unanimously agreed through Ijtihad (Juristic effort) it is final, and binding on Moslems of all ages without any regard to the passage of time. Thus they have destroyed the value of juristic deliberation and made Islam a rigid and regressive code of life.


Take for example the unanimously-agreed doctrine known as Qatl-E-Murtad (decapitation of a renegade). It is utterly against the Koranic principle which clearly

states that a renegade shall be beheaded only if he makes a game of apostasy, that is, he embraces and renounces Islam again and again. This is further supported by the fact that hypocrisy was the Prophet's biggest abhorrence. If a person born as a Moslem wants to renounce his faith, he will not do so owing to fear of decapitation and shall be forced to live as a hypocrite. The spirit of the Koran confirms it abundantly that the Prophet would have preferred apostasy to hypocrisy: he wanted true followers and not phoney believers. This is the reason that the Koran states "La Ikrah Fe Din": there is no compulsion in religion.

As a result of such attitudes, most of the Moslem nations do not practice Shariah i.e. the Islamic law. For example, Turkey discarded it in 1926 and adopted the swiss family law; India and Pakistan have essentially become Common Law countries Even in Egypt and Tunisia Shariah courts do not exist as a separate entity and many Islamic countries have abolished polygamy, changed rules of divorce and modified procedures of evidence.

Secondly, what made Islam a practical religion was the fact that the Amir-UI-Momineen (head of the Moslem Community) was required to be the practical model of the faith. To make sure that the faithful follow this law strictly, the Koran gives them the legal right to rise against an unrighteous ruler:

"So you must not obey who tell lies . ..

Never you obey the mean swearer,

backbiter, those who indulge in slander,

obstruct righteousness, the guilty agressor,

the uncouth and the ignoble" (The Pen: 10).

Today, one has only to look at the Moslem leadership to realise that the genuine practice of the faith is no longer an integral part of leadership in many Moslem countries. Instead, the Moslem followers have been carefully and excessively conditioned to the word: "Islam". Whoever, can use this word effectively, commands the obedience of the Moslems. This is why Islam has been turned into a blind faith and serves as a tool of dominance for the politician and seekers of social prestige. It is this wilful misinterpretation of the Koran that has led to the decline of the world of Islam. Every Moslem wants to practice his own brand of Islam without knowing what real Islam is. In fact, the true Islamic principles have been overshadowed by the darkness of misinterpretation to such an extent that it is no longer possible to establish them. This is the reason that Islam has broken up into numerous sects; it is totally un-lslamic:

"Those who have made divisions in their religion

and become sects, you have nothing in common with them" (Cattle: 160).

The Islam that is full of sects is not Islam. The present state of the Moslem world does not reflect the character and teachings of the Prophet. On the contrary, it represents what the Prophet disliked and forbade. The Islam that the Prophet Propounded enabled its followers to rule the world for a thousand years! This s why the Koran states: "You are the best nation ever raised because you bid for honour and forbid dishonour" (House of Imran: 105).

Need I comment on it?

Allah's curse on Jews

After this lengthy explanation, now I may resume the discussion of Islamic fundamentalism; the Koran says:

"Some of the Jews pervert words from their meanings . . . . but God has cursed them for their unbelief . . ." (Women: 45).

Interpretation of Allah's curse

Moslems all over the world interpreted these verses to mean that Allah's curse meant that the Jews would never be allowed by the Almighty to return to Palestine and form their own state. This interpretation became a fundamental part of the Moslem faith. This is the reason every Moslem felt that he had been struck by lightning when the State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14, 1948. To prove that it was a fleeting affair, the Arab world including the Palestinians wanted to drown all Jews in the sea; the ensuing bloody wars were waged to appease the Islamic fundamentalism.

Every nation has the right to a homeland, and the Jews are no exception. If we accept the interpretation that the Moslem scholars have put on this verse, then it means that the Koran is wrong because the Jewish state has become a reality. I am more inclined to think that it is the interpreters who are to blame. Having been born as a Moslem and trained to be a scholar of Islam, I know that the Koran has been frequently subjected to misinterpretation by those who seek power and influence as Moslem Zealots but without having any true reverence for Islam.

Jewish rights and heroism

The Jews have the right to a homeland like any other nation. Where is the Jewish homeland? It has to be the land that has always been loved and adored by the Jews. Obviously, it is Palestine which according to the sincerely-held Jewish belief, was promised by God. No nation has ever shown half as much reverence to its homeland as have the Jews. Palestine has been their vision, their palpitation and, above all, an integral part of their faith. They waged bloodiest wars against the aweful Roman imperialism. Their velour, tenacity and heroism knew no bounds to defend the Holy Land, the Gift of Yahwe, the apex of devotion. Why the Apex of Devotion? Without a mighty, marvellous and magnificent devotion they could not have fought the lethal wars that raged between 132-5 and then again during the reign of Antoninus Pius (138-61). These wars were based on the ideal of liberty, sincerity of conduct and true piety of faith, and therefore, marked the apex of devotion because they led not only to the decimation of 985 towns but also the slaying of 580,000 men, women and children. The Jewish population fell below half of its original strength. I applaud the Jewish gallantry. Each of the slain was a hero whose blood was infused with divine purity, preference of death as a lover of liberty, to the slavish living, is a mark of honour and godliness. These Jews were immortal and their blood was sacred, super and sublime. They were a different species from the Jews who went to the Nazi gas chambers like lambs. Though they lost the battle, the quality of their struggle constitutes the true human virtue and ranks as the ultimate dream of mankind.

Palestine, the greatest human romance

It is not only the sacrifices of the Jews which make Palestine their natural home but also their undying love of this country. The Jewish love for Palestine is the greatest romance that man can dream of. Its sanctity is lifted sky-high when we realise that this love is not based on design but devotion, without any expectation of reward. Am I exaggerating? Not at all. The Jews had several opportunities to found a new homeland abroad. For example, in 1903, the British government offered them 6,000 square miles of uninhabited Uganda but they turned it down. Why? Because they wanted to go back home, that is, Palestine. In fact, they have always wanted to return to Palestine. The story of this yearning and the selfless attempts to achieve it, is a long one. The Jewish attachment to the Holy Land is ecstatic and devotional; without this relationship, they could not have been willing to throw their wealth, position and comfort, which they enjoyed in Diaspora, in exchange for the frightening uncertainties, awaiting them in Palestine. There is a New York, New South Wales, Nova Scotia, New England but there is no New Israel. Why? The reason is obvious.

Indivisibility of Jerusalem

What is Palestine? It was a territory on the eastern Mediterranean coast, once embellished by the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. But now after many centuries the situation has changed. The United Nations on 29th November, 1947, recommended the establishment of seperate Arab and Jewish states in Palestine. Though Jews could claim the territories of modern Lebanon and Syria, extending to the Euphrates once ruled by David and Solomon, they ought to be realistic and acknowledge the rights of the Palestinians who are also entitled to a homeland. Not only that, they have the duty to give full human rights to all the Palestinians who live within their jurisdiction. After all, they enjoy all such rights in the foreign lands. However, they cannot renounce a part of Jerusalem, the dream of David, the passion of Solomon and the bride of Yahwe. The Israel without the whole of Jerusalem is an eye without sight, a marriage without consummation, a fireball without light, a cloud without rain and a romance without excitement. It is not a matter of fundamentalism. If it were so, I would oppose it openly. It is a matter of fact that Jerusalem is Judaism and Judaism is Jerusalem. Being a rationalist, I believe that every person has the right to a belief of his own choice, provided it advocates tolerance and respect for other people's views. Since sanctity of Jerusalem is an integral part of the Jewish faith, dividing Jerusalem means the destruction of Judaism. This is what makes it indivisible. The Bride of the Lord is not available for seduction.

Yes, the Bride of the Lord is untouchable. Dividing it, is an act of profanity. Partitioning means desecration. Why desecrate Jerusalem now? Just because it is in the Jewish hands? Then, in all justification, it is a Jewish city, and to establish this fact, I wrote about its background in the beginning of this chapter.

It is a nonsense to say that it should be treated as an international city because Christian and Moslem shrines are located there. What about Mecca? One billion Moslems of numerous nationalities truly believe in its sanctity. Yet it is legally and morally an integral part of Saudi Arabia. Rome is, similarly, a part of Italy despite being the holy centre of Christians of all races.

To say that (part of) Jerusalem is a conquered territory, and therefore, it should be given up, is an even greater nonsense. The Jews have conquered nothing; they have simply repossessed what is legitimately theirs. If we look into the matter fairly, it transpires that Arabs are in Palestine by conquest. Shouldn't they also be made to leave Palestine?

The answer is an emphatic "no" because they have been there for so long that Palestine ranks as their home. They are entitled to all the dignity and rights of a homeland but the whole of Palestine does not belong to them exclusively. Jews are the natural claimants to a part of it known as "Israel", yet they have been deprived of this fundamental right for a very long time indeed. It has made Jewry a major international problem fraught with lethal consequences which are likely to arise from the Jewish sense of insecurity.

A deeper examination shows that sense of insecurity is the fountain of inferiority complex which puts on a cloak of imaginary superiority to hide its infirmities and reinforces it with ostentation and belligerence. Prolonged homelessness and continuous fear of survival is the source of the Jewish sense of insecurity, leading to their anti-Gentile philosophy and attitudes. As a result, their faculty of social adjustment in relation to mankind has suffered a serious setback and they find it hard to treat other people as their equals or even as members of the human race. Solution of the Jewish problem lies not in their extermination but giving them a secure homeland.

Both Jews and Palestinians are civilised people but they have chosen to live at the same cultural level as did their ancestors 3,000 years ago: they are as full of mutual hatred and revenge now as they were then. This is the result of fundamentalism which benumbs conscience and strangles the faculties of reason.

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