What is ISLAM
all about?
Islam is the most violent and intolerant faith that
has ever been presented to mankind. Those, who
hold this view usually quote, The Disputer, LVIII: 20, which declares that
non-Muslims are Satan's party but the Muslims are God's party. Thus, it is the
most sacred duty of the Muslims to annihilate the non-Muslims or at least reduce
them to the status of tributaries.
On the contrary, the enlightened Muslims protest
against this non-Muslim attitude: they quote Sufism to prove that Islam
is an international ambassador of love. Of course, there is some truth in it,
but who deserves the credit - Islam or Hinduism?
Basing his judgement on the historical and scriptural
evidence, Anwar Shaikh concludes that what is called Sufism or Tasawwuf,
collides with the basic principles of Islam, but it does conform to the Vedic
doctrines. Therefore, Sufism, broadly speaking, is an offshoot of Hindutva.
Then, why is it considered an extension or Islam?
Mysticism or Sufism is an international faith, which is
deeply rooted in the vedic philosophy. It is a pity that the people of India
have forgotten all about their ancestral glory.
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