by Anwar Shaikh

from all over the world are feared as terrorists in the Western world.
Is it a propaganda or misunderstanding? It is neither. Frankly stated,
it is the truth.
Islam has divided humankind into two perpetually
hostile groups, i.e. the Muslims and the non-Muslims. The former have the
duty to hate their own fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and countrymen
if they practise a different faith. The Muslims must force the infidels
to embrace Islam, using any means including murder, rape, loot, arson,
deception and treason.
Until a country has embraced Islam, it is legally
considered a battlefield (Dar-ul-Harb) and the Muslims are obliged to betray
their own motherland through civil and military action. Once it is converted
to the Muslim ideology, it ranks as a Land of Peacxe (Dar-us-Salaam) but
at a very high cost to one's national pride because then it exists as a
spiritual and cultural satellite of Arabia. This is what makes Islam the
subtle tool of Arab Imperialism.
Islamic ideology, which is based on intense hatred
of the non-Muslims, is beginning to loom as Islamophobia in the West. The
recent Osostlander Report on fundamentalism by the European Parliament
has recognised this peril. Though it has been suppressed by the majority
vote for the time being, its spectre shall rise again and again until the
Muslims start respecting the human rights of free speech and action.
of Contents