dedication to the memory of the millions of men women and children slaughtered
by Islamic hordes for the simple reason that they never did understand
the real meaning of Islam and so behaved like little children lost in a
turbulence, their leaders, all this time, conducting themselves like irresponsible,
stupid and blind idiots, hoping against hope that Islam was almost like
Lord Buddha's Ahimsa!
of Contents
The present publication
contains several individual articles, all related to Islam and India. One
of the chapters deals with human rights in Islam, making it quite clear
at the outset that non-Muslims have no rights in Islam. This particular
chapter also deals with rights of women in Islam. No doubt India's left-front
leaders will have a great deal of information that were hitherto unknown
to them.
Then there is a full chapter on Jehad. This article
will remove a lot of misinformation that the secular (in reality anti-Indian
or treasonous) Muslims harp on all the time. They have been telling us
that Jehad in Islam means, like in Hinduism, effort or struggle to control
one's lusts, passions and desire and so on. Anwar Shaikh is more honest.
He lays out Islam's Jehad as it actually is. And that is, in simple language,'Kill
the kafir, take his woman as a slave, loot his property'.
His third article deals with Intercession. Only
the Prophet Muhammad (saliullah aliya wassallam or peace be upon Him) can
intercede and his intercession is final. It is Muhammad who can send a
rapist, a thief or a killer to Jannat, Muslims' heaven where seventy-two
houries and many handsome boys await the Jehadi for whom the Prophet intercedes.
It has nothing to do with the good conduct of the candidate during his
stay on this earth. These are new words which had been hidden from the
non-Muslims thus far giving rise to falsehoods such es 'all religions are
the same' or sarva dharma sama bhava on which falsehood the kafir
Hindus relied and the Mohammedans laughed in their sleeves.
There are more, many more on such subjects as
'Idolatry and Islam' or 'India and Democracy'. No doubt our people have
a lot to catch up on. Verily, Anwar Shaikh has been a gift from God for
our people. Please read on before the crooks ban the book.
ISBN 1-880628-15-5
First Published in 1998
All rights reserved. No portion of this publication
may be reproduced without permission of the publisher.
The book is also available from
A. Ghosh,
P. O. Box 428,
Calcutta 64 (India)
Published by
Ghosh (Publisher)
P.O. Box 631048
Houston, TX 77263 (USA)